  • Welcome to Vanessa Cook Dance
    'mesmerising physical imagery, beautifully choreographed...'

Vanessa Cook Dance creates fresh, surprising dance theatre renowned for being reflective, moving and humorous. Vanessa Cook Dance's pieces are created, performed and toured in Switzerland and beyond. Vanessa Cook Dance believes in the power of movement to express viscerally and instinctively what lies in all of us. To move is to be alive.

Latest productions



Sei kein Mann (Don't be a Man)





Vanessa Cook Portrait

Work with Vanessa Cook Dance

At the core of Vanessa Cook's work is good collaboration. For each new piece a bespoke team of performers and artists is formed. Vanessa Cook welcomes collaboration with other dance and theatre practitioners. Please contact Vanessa if you would like to artistically collaborate with her in any way.

Contact me

News from Vanessa

Residency in New York


The Center for Latter-day Saint Arts has just announced six winning artists for The Artists Residency at the Center and I’m thrilled to be one of them! The artists are specialised in different …




Every week, the atmosphere in Akar Studio is intently concentrated as a group of older adults meet together for a dance training. What all the participants have in common is that they have …


2024 starts in America


The start of a new year is often a time for people to reflect on what they want to do more or less of. January 2024 has started for Vanessa with a particular focus on these questions as she begins a …


Media about Vanessa

cover image Edinburgh Festivals Magazine

Edinburgh Festivals Magazine

“Creature has mesmorising visual imagery…is beautifully choreographed…balanced between subtlety and ferociousness with displays of power and energy…a magical and unforgettable experience”.

cover image Berner Zeitung

Berner Zeitung

"Creature is poetic…daring…gripping, thrilling"