  • Das isch Musig!


The strength of some projects is their process more than their end-product. Other projects produce a strong piece but at the cost of a difficult process. Sweet are the projects that enjoy both and Das isch Musig! (That's music!) was one of those. In the first introductory workshop, there was already a good feeling between the diverse group of performers. The group's collective taste in music reflected their respective stages in life which ranged from teenager to 80+.

Vanessa asked the performers to write the name of any song that held a memory for them. The content of Das isch Musig! was contained in the papers she collected that day. The group named music which ranged from 1960's hippy songs, 1980's hits to contemporary reggaeton and Latin pop. The rest of the process was working out which music and related stories to tell, and how to share them. The rehearsals included recording interviews with the performers, which were woven into the piece. The process brought forth more stories than could be shared in the piece, but these were an important fabric of the process, as the performers heard and held each others' stories with respect.

The photo gallery below shows some of the highlights of Das isch Musig! as performed in Heitere Fahne in November 2025 (photo credit: David Fürst).

Das isch Musig! will be performed again in May/June 2026, as part of BewegGrund's biannual festival in Dampfzentrale, Bern. Wonderful that the music will play on!

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With a diverse range of experience in choreographing for dance and theatre companies with professional, international, cross-generational and inclusive casts, Vanessa Cook offers a positive partnership.